A long-standing field of main scientific interest of NTK Integrative Systems is assessment of functional state dynamics of apparently healthy humans under stress from extreme factors of both natural and anthropogenic origin.
The analysis is performed during a subject’s activity such as work duties, execution of an effort test or, what is of particular importance, undergoing some sort of therapeutic or health management process. As a rule, elements of polygraphy are used for such assessment, i.e. various ‘specific’ diagnostic methods supplementing each other as parts of a complex. The integrating role in this is fulfilled by 'Prognoz' electropunctural diagnostic system.Of particular note is that the hardware and software developed by NTK Integrative Systems that form the 'Prognoz' are in account with the relevant concept of ‘4P Medicine’.
The company was founded and is headed by Alexey Lvovich Rozanov,
an honour alumnus of Kalinin Polytechnic Institute of 1983 who has been working in the fields mentioned above since 1980, then being an employee of the Institute’s Division of Medical Electronics Engineering..
A.L. Rozanov has the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and is a corresponding member of the Academy of Medical-Technical Sciences. In addition to this, Mr. Rozanov is current or former member of a number of professional associations, some of which are crucial to the company’s field of work. Among these communities are ICMART (International Council for Medical Acupuncture and Related Technique) – since 1991; Academy of Energy Information Sciences – corresponding member since 1992; and interdisciplinary Task Laboratory of Psychophysiological Assurance of Personnel Reliability – leader since 1990.
From 1995 to 1998 A.L. Rozanov performed as the scientific and engineering advisor for development of a diagnostics module for multipurpose anti-stress centres for defence contractors. This project was awarded the Chizevsky prize in 1997.
Works of A.L. Rozanov have received high appraisal among the field-specific community, from numerous medals at VDNKh of USSR through Order of Vernadskiy First Class to Order of White Swan that was awarded to Mr. Rozanov at Cathedral of Christ the Saviour for scientific study of folk medicine..

The method used for assessing the functional state of a person and the results obtained through the usage of ‘Prognoz’ EPD in numerous studies in this field allow NTK Integrative Systems to integrate diagnostic measures into any kind of healing processes, even extraordinary ones.
For specialists adherent to a creative approach to their activities, the products of NTK Integrative Systems allow for a personalized selection of treatment/prevention methods for a particular patient..
In addition, the effect of a healing process accompanied by ‘Prognoz’ EPD can be increased to a certain extent by ‘visualization’ of diagnostic results with proprietary software. This implies projection of classic EPD results onto different body parts with the use of established somatotopic representations. This approach allows an unprepared user to interpret the obtained therapeutic effect as clearly as possible, whether it is a patient or a doctor unfamiliar with the basics of reflexotherapy.
It should be noted that the methodological foundations and organization of measurements implemented by NTK Integrative Systems are promising for studying not only humans, but also other biological objects with developed higher nervous activity, a role in which they are already being used in Western countries.
In addition, one of the company's areas of interest is development of measurement-based personal predictive mathematical models for wellness and health improvement.