As our practical experience shows, specialists in the field of diseases of the oral cavity are a prevailing category of 'Prognoz' users in Western Europe. As such, if dentists make up about 10 per cent of the total number of doctors in Germany, then among the total number of German users of 'Prognoz' EPD their share is about 30 per cent. This portion is mainly made up of specialists who pursue extended analysis of their patients’ problems, i.e. considering dental problems in close connection with the state of human body as a whole. A well-known expert in this field is Dr. Wolfgang Kufahl.

Сотрудничество в рамках проекта Victor-Vitalpunkt-Diagnose на Конгрессе холистической медицины (Германия)

An authoritative literary work recognized in Western Europe among doctors who profess a holistic approach to the treatment of dental diseases is the fundamental publication 'Ganzheitliche Zahnheilkunde in der Praxis'. This release contains an article by Dr. Kufahl that discusses the most effective options for practical use of 'Prognoz' technology in dentistry. This includes the following important aspects:

  • analysis of possible negative impact of amalgams on a patient's body;
  • the problem of treating 'hidden' diseases of dental roots;
  • personalized selection of optimal dental material;
  • possible problems in the body caused by implants.
В этот фундаментальный труд входит раздел об использовании электропунктурной диагностики "Прогноз" для лечения болезней полости рта и подбора материала имплантов со сниженным риском побочных эффектов
Cover of the fundamental work in the field of holistic dentistry 'Ganzheitliche Zahnheilkunde in der Praxis'
Иллюстрация из фундаментального труда по целостной стоматологии, изданного в ФРГ, о использовании методов ЭПД в лечении болезней полости рта
Example of 'Prognoz' EPD use as seen in 'Ganzheitliche Zahnheilkunde in der Praxis'

It is known that inadequately selected implants can subsequently become a source of significant problems for the body as a whole, as shown in the illustration. In such cases, the reaction of the system of biologically active points to the 'implant-imitating specific stress test' will be expressed as a significant increase in the 'integral energy' of the system. This indicates a high probability that the use of this implant in the long term will generate a number of problematic moments for the patient's body.

In addition, it should be noted that Dr. W. Kufahl has been working with 'Prognoz' technology since 1995, that is, almost from the moment that the project was launched in Germany. Employees of NTK Integrative Systems are in close contact with him, exchanging scientific results and ideas, and evaluating new prospects for further improvement of the 'Prognoz' system.