'It is not the sickness that should be treated, but the sick...'
Matvey Yakovlevich Mudrov
The founder of clinical medicine in Russia

It is this postulate that is taken as a rule by practitioners of health-improving techniques who achieve good end results with their patients. There is no doubt that in this area the intuitive perception of the 'patient' by the 'doctor' is of great importance. On the other hand, modern scientific approach still implies the search for an effective diagnostic support technology for such 'designer' treatment methods, which sometimes can be rather extraordinary. Namely, it is topical to offer such specialists a tool for assessing the effectiveness of their impact on a patient based on some objective indicators. The term 'support' in our case also involves analysis of a body's reaction to some component of a holistic healing methodology so as to subsequently be able to offer the patient a treatment option with a high degree of individualization.

It should be acknowledged that there are very few methods that allow a holistic assessment of a person’s functional state (FS). Due to its technical and methodological features, EPD can act as one of those methods. In the case of 'Prognoz' EPD, the following conceptual advantages are also present: dynamic analysis of changes in the system of biologically active points (that can be structured as 'acupuncture channels' – ACs) during the procedure, and the intrinsic possibility of coupling with other specific diagnostic methods. This will enable estimates with pre-set complexity and with minimal time for generating recommendations as medical support for a treatment process.

In this regard, of particular interest is the experience of monitoring a session conducted by M.M. Sharipova, PhD and an employee of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. In her regular work with patients, she habitually uses an organic combination of reflexotherapy, manual therapy, osteopathic techniques, innovative methods of physiotherapy and much more. In order to create the tools for the diagnostic support of such sessions, the staff of NTK Integrative Systems conducted a comprehensive monitoring of the treatment process using 'Prognoz' EPD in coupling with HRV registration. EPD measurements were carried out at 'key' moments during the session. The specialist made adjustments to the healing process in real time according to the immediately processed measurement results.

Данный график построен в реальном времени при помощи средств ЭПД "Прогноз" и демонстрирует изменение вклада симпатической и парасимпатической нервной системы в регуляцию организма пациента
Dynamics of the ratio of sympathetic and parasympathetic components in a patient during a treatment procedure
Оперативная коррекция взаимодействия "специалист-реципиент" выполнена на базе информации, полученной при помощи ЭПД "Прогноз" непосредственно в ходе сеанса оздоровления, и проанализированной на базе диагностической модели традиционной китайской медицины
An example of on-the-fly correction of the treatment process based on the intermediate monitoring of the patient's AC system

It should be noted that in this area of application the visualization tool of 'Prognoz' performs successfully not only its main informative function for the specialist, but also the additional motivational function for the recipient, which is important in terms of obtaining the final positive result since it can have a beneficial effect on the 'doctor-patient partnership'.