Experience of using 'Prognoz' EPD in special needs education
As a part of the work under the grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities for research project No. 02-06-00488a/ts, a study was conducted with 'Prognoz' EPD system to research the impact of special educational process on children with developmental disabilities. The main goal of the project was to organize a health-protective educational process. The results were presented at a number of specialized conferences of various levels, and a series of articles and reports on this topic was also published.
- Siventsova I.V., Rozanov A.L., Myakinnikova N.I., Yakimenko I.V. Organizatsiya mediko-pedagogicheskii kontrolya uchashchikhsya korrektsionnykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdenii s tsel'yu povysheniya effektivnosti ikh sotsial'noi reabilitatsii [Organizing medical and pedagogical control of students in special educational institutions to increase the effectiveness of their social rehabilitation]. Materialy 1-go Rossiiskogo kongressa «Reabilitatsionnaya pomoshch' naseleniyu v Rossiiskoi Federatsii» [Proceedings of the 1st Russian Congress "Rehabilitation assistance to the population of Russian Federation"]. Moscow, 2003, pp. 33-35. (in Russian).
- Rozanov A. L., Myakinnikova N. V., Boikova T. V., Solovieva I. A., Kozlov D. N., Yakimenko N. I. Nekotorye rezul'taty vnedreniya avtomatizirovannykh sredstv otsenki funktsional'nogo sostoyaniya v praktiku mediko-pedagogicheskogo kontrolya uchashchikhsya korrektsionnykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdenii [Some results of introducing automated means for functional state assessment into medical and pedagogical control of students in special educational institutions]. Materialy V nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii «Sovremennye problemy razvitiya gumanitarnoi nauki po rezul'tatam regional'nogo konkursa 2003 goda «Tsentral'naya Rossiya: proshloe, nastoyashchee, budushchee» [Proceedings of the V research-to-practice conference "Modern problems of development in humanities as based on the results of 2003 regional competition "Central Russia: past, present, future "]. Tver, 2003, pp.75-86. (in Russian).
- Rozanov A.L., Kozlov D.N., Yakimenko N.I., Myakinnikova N.V. Nekotorye teoreticheskie aspekty mediko-pedagogicheskogo kontrolya i opyt ego prakticheskoj realizacii v usloviyah korrekcionnogo obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdeniya [Some theoretical aspects of medical and pedagogical control and the experience of its practical implementation in the conditions of a special educational institution]. School Bulletin, 2003, No. 2/11, pp. 69-74. (in Russian)
- Rozanov A.L., Yakimenko N.I., Myakinnikova N.V., Kozlov D.N. Sovershenstvovanie sistemy mediko-pedagogicheskogo kontrolya uchebno-vospitatel'nogo protsessa korrektsionnogo obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdeniya v aspekte modernizatsii obrazovaniya [Improving the system of medical and pedagogical control of the educational process in a special educational institution from the aspect of modernization in education]. Aktual'nye problemy modernizatsii rossiiskogo obrazovaniya / Materialy Vserossiiskoi Nauchno-prakticheskoi zaochnoi konferentsii [Topical problems of modernization in Russian education. Proceedings of the All-Russian remote research-to-practice conference]. Tver: Tver State University, 2004, pp. 140 - 151. (in Russian)
- Rozanov A.L., Kozlov D.N., Yakimenko N.I., Myakinnikova N.V. Analiz dinamiki pokazatelei variabel'nosti serdechnogo ritma u uchashchikhsya korrektsionnykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdenii pod vozdeistviem uchebnoi nagruzki [Analyzing the dynamics of heart rate variability indicators in students of special educational institutions under the influence of study load]. Formirovanie zdorovogo obraza zhizni – aktual'naya problema obrazovaniya / Materialy Vserossiiskogo simpoziuma 27 avgusta 2004 v g. Tver' [Formation of a healthy lifestyle – the relevant problem of education. Proceedings of the All-Russian Symposium on August 27, 2004 in Tver]. Tver: Tver State Technical University, 2004, pp. 54 - 65. (in Russian)
To determine the nature of the effect produced by individual elements of the special education process on organisms of children with intellectual disabilities, their health status was monitored using a number of automated instrumental diagnostic methods. It was assumed that such monitoring would make it possible to determine a set of indicators that have prognostic significance for assessing the dynamics of physical, mental, and intellectual development of special needs students. Based on this set of indicators, a multi-parametric criterion for the effectiveness of the special educational process was developed.
In particular, this translated to determining the level of physiological and psychological stress and identifying its seasonal dependence. A fairly extensive monitoring was carried out with measurements at the beginning and at the end of each academic term. In addition to the indicators obtained with the help of EPD, HRV indicators were considered and psychological testing was also carried out.
As a result, a certain pattern was discovered between the recorded physiological parameters and the level of academic load on a subject. The findings of the study provide a basis for differentiating students into groups depending on the reaction of their body to a given pedagogical method. An interesting feature is the persistently recorded deviations from the norm in indicators of the biologically active points, which are usually accociated with pericardial and cardiac acupuncture channels (ACs), in children with intellectual disabilities when compared to the results of measurements in healthy children. This is in good agreement with the known statistics on the greater prevalence of heart disease among people afflicted with such disorders.