At the inception of 'Prognoz' EPD, it was intended to create a system primarily for assessing the functional state (FS) of a practically healthy human, carried out in the form of multiple individual measurements over a certain period of time, including measurements performed on a person under strain, both physical and mental. For this reason, a significant emphasis in the early studies was placed on examination of athletes with varying fitness levels in a wide selection of sports. Of note are mountaineering, weightlifting, cross-country skiing, martial arts etc.

  1. Talfeldt G.O. Primenenie EKS TA dlya professional'nogo otbora lits, prigodnykh dlya raboty v usloviyakh snizhennogo partsial'nogo davleniya kisloroda [Implementation of ECR parameters in occupational selection for works under conditions of reduced partial pressure of oxygen]. Mediko-biologicheskie i tekhnicheskie aspekty refleksodiagnostiki i refleksoterapii. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Medico-biological and technical aspects of reflexodiagnostics and reflexotherapy. Collection of research papers]. 1987, pp. 15-18. (in Russian).
  2. Yakimenko N.I. Diagnosticheskaya informativnost' tochek akupunktury v protsesse trenirovochnykh zanyatii shtangistov [Diagnostic informational capacity of acupuncture points in the training process of weightlifters] Mediko-biologicheskie i tekhnicheskie aspekty refleksodiagnostiki i refleksoterapii. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Medico-biological and technical aspects of reflexodiagnostics and reflexotherapy. Collection of research papers]. 1987, pp. 18-22. (in Russian).
  3. Talfeldt G.O. Ispol'zovanie elektrokozhnogo soprotivleniya tochek akupunktury dlya prognozirovaniya funktsional'nogo sostoyaniya organizma v usloviyakh vysokogor'ya [Using electrocutaneous resistance of acupuncture points for predicting functional state of the body under high altitude conditions]. Mediko-biologicheskie aspekty refleksoterapii i otsenki funktsional'nykh sostoyanii. Mezhvuzovskii sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Medico-biological aspects of reflexotherapy and assessment of functional states. Interuniversity collection of research papers]. 1988, pp. 32-36. (in Russian).
  4. Talfeldt G.O. Ispol'zovanie elektropunktury dlya optimizatsii protsessov adaptatsii [Use of electropuncture for optimization of adaptation processes]. Mediko-tekhnicheskie problemy refleksoterapii i otsenki funktsional'nykh sostoyanii. Mezhvuzovskii sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Medico-technical problems of reflexothrapy and assessment of functional states. Interuniversity collection of research papers]. 1989, pp. 63-69. (in Russian)

This area of research can be conveniently divided into 2 groups: professional athletes (sports of high achievements) and amateurs (orientation towards healthy lifestyle, fitness etc.). In both of these fields, certain achievements have been attained by 'Prognoz' EPD.

Studies in professional sports

In the field of professional sports, a case study with extensive use of 'Prognoz' EPD is the monitoring of FS dynamics of cross-country skiers with athletic level of a candidate for the Russian national team. The studies were performed during the athletes’ peaking phase. This involved the use of 'Prognoz' EPD both for an athlete's individual everyday self-monitoring during the training cycle, and for periodic group examinations at certain dates in the competitive season. Based on the obtained results, it was shown that:

  • Dynamics profile of integral anomaly indicator of an athlete's system of biologically active points combined into an 'acupuncture channel' (AC) should objectively be considered as the most apparent sign for achieving a degree of fitness;
  • It is possible to identify the intensity zone of an athlete’s physical exertion based on the change in electrocutaneous resistance (ECR) with a high degree of probability;
  • The results of "Prognoz" EPD together with other FS indicators can be used to assess and control an athlete's recovery process as a part of a training process.

The research presented above was described in the graduation study carried out at the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Physical Education at Tver State University, with which NTK Integrative Systems had a fairly close cooperation. This cooperation has resulted in an array of original research works (see pic.).

In the field of youth sports, one of the subjects of such research was analysis of FS dynamics of female athletes in rhythmic gymnastics aged 10-12 years and attested to an athletic category. The main purpose of this work was to obtain an individualized assessment of the effects of training, as well as to implement a novel methodological approach to assess fitness levels. In this case, 'Prognoz' EPD was used in combination with diagnostic methods that are traditionally used in the analysis of a training course (in particular, assessment of HRV).

As a result, mathematical models have been produced that allow assessment and prediction of general physical fitness levels based on the dynamics of electrophysiological parameters recorded in the athletes. The data obtained also made it possible to objectively identify a number of important psycho-emotional states of gymnasts, e.g. 'buck fever'.

With the use of 'Prognoz' EPD, a number of specialized FS dynamics studies of young athletes was also carried out. For example, the analysis of FS changes in junior judo wrestlers during various elements of the bout, both real and simulated.

Дипломные работы в области спортивной медицины, выполненные на спортивном факультете Тверского Государственного Университета с широким применением ЭПД "Прогноз"
Title pages of select graduation studies performed at the Sports faculty of Tver State University with the use of 'Prognoz' EPD
Диагностическая система ГАМС "Прогноз" использовалась для изучения функционального состояния дзюдоистов, в т.ч. во время выполнения приёмов дзюдо
A compilation of pictures taken over the course of studying the FS of judo wrestlers with the use of 'Prognoz' EPD. Studies included simulation of wrestling bout elements.

Studies in the field of Wellness/Fitness

Система ЭПД "Прогноз" использовалась для изучения воздействия оздоровительной физкультуры на функциональное состояние детей с целью оптимизации их гармоничного развития
Dynamics of AC balance in children during 'energy gymnastic' exercises

The experimental data on the use of 'Prognoz' EPD in the field of sports medicine accumulated throughout the years allows us to state with confidence that various elements of this diagnostic technology can be effectively used in training practice also by beginner athletes, amateurs and those undergoing physical therapy.

As an example, some results can be cited from the analysis of electropunctural parameters studied in pre-pubescent girls doing original 'energy' gymnastics that included elements of Qigong, yoga, and other traditional health systems. The purpose of the exercises was to maximize harmonious development of the growing organism with an emphasis on gender-specific traits.

Based on the experimental data obtained, it can be concluded that 'Prognoz' EPD allows for individual selection of exercises and monitoring the quality and intensity of their performance for health improvement and general fitness (see illustration).